Last Procedure For Hypertension Cure

To accomplish my Hypertension Cure I experienced two major Aspects in the Process:

(1)The Normal Aspect - Is such as, following or using the Medical Standard Procedure in Treating Primary Hypertension.

In this Aspect, Medical Science deals with only the Body and Mind.

No Primary Hypertension Cure is expected - the goal is to Control blood pressure at a safe level with the use of Medications.

(2) The Spiritual Aspect - Is such as, following the Holy Scripture's Teaching on Spiritual Healing and Curing.

In this Aspect, Holy Scripture deals with the total person Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit.

Healing and Curing are expected - the goal is to Control, Heal and Cure without Medications.

In sharing with you the Normal Aspect, I started my process by addressing the following areas of my Hypertension Cure Treatment:

Hypertension -

  • Definition
  • Causes
  • Diet
  • Effects
  • Medications
  • Tests
  • Monitoring

All of the above areas, except Medications, are the same for the Spiritual Aspect of my Cure.

A Spiritual Welcoming

As I Go Into The Spiritual Aspect Of My Primary Hypertension Cure, I Want To Acknowledge And Welcome My Audience Who Might Believe and Practice One Of The Following Beliefs:

  • Agnostics - Persons denying GOD'S existence is provable - believe that it is impossible to know whether or not GOD exists.
  • Atheists - Persons who do not believe in GOD or deities
  • Buddhists - Persons who practice Buddhism - a world religion or philosophy based on the teaching of the Buddha and holding that state of enlightenment can be attained by suppressing worldly desires.
  • Devils - Who believe there is a GOD and Tremble!
  • Fools - Who believe there is No GOD.
  • Hindus - Persons who practices the religion of Hinduism - the religion of India and the oldest of the worldwide religions, characterized by a belief in reincarnation.
  • Jews - Persons who are believers in Judaism - members of a Semitic people descended from the ancient Hebrews - recorded for the world, the Holy Scriptures - which include -

    GOD'S Ten Commandments and King David's Psalms 23.

  • Muslims - Persons who believe in and practice Islam.
  • Others Not Mentioned Here- Persons of different Beliefs and practices.
  • Christians - Persons who believe and practice the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Holy Bible - Holy Scriptures - Inspired WORD of GOD -

  1. Persons who believe that there is One GOD, Three ENTITIES, FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT.
  2. Persons who believe that all persons are born with a Sinful Nature the same nature as Adam's, after the Fall.
  3. Persons who believe, except a person is Spiritually born again, he/she cannot see and understand the Spiritual things of GOD - From Faith to Faith.

  4. Persons who believe GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only Begotten SON, and whosoever believe in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting LIFE.
  5. Persons who believe GOD was Manifested or Revealed in the Flesh.
  6. Persons who have accepted Jesus Christ are Heirs of GOD and Joint-Heirs with Christ.
  7. Persons who believe that Christ, the Son of GOD, came to this world and died on the Cross for Our Sins and was raised from the dead for our Justification.
  8. Persons who believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the Power of GOD to Salvation for everyone who believes - for the Jews and also for the Gentiles.
  9. Persons who believe that in the Gospel the Righteousness of GOD is revealed from Faith to Faith.
  10. Persons who believe, we live by Faith.
  11. Persons who believe, that Faith is the Substance of Things Hoped For and the Evidence of Things not Seen.
  12. Persons who can legally claim all the Rights and Benefits in GOD'S Plan of Salvation, which includes Healing and Curing of Diseases and Illnesses.

From Hypertension Cure to HBP Spiritual Healing

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