Hypertension Control - Of An Unknown Cause

Hypertension Control is considered a possibility even when there is no known Cause or Cure for this Condition - which is a world's medical challenge -

especially when the many mysterious Side Effects of some medications are factors that play a part in the struggle to control blood pressure -

complicating the challenge are these Effects which can be as deadly as the unknown Cause of the Condition.

Controlling A Symptom

Being the victim of Primary Hypertension, I had to find the Cause for my Condition which is unknown to medical science.

That suggested to me that I had to look outside the range of medical science for the Cause and Cure.

In May 2007, I reluctantly accepted my doctor's prescription for medication for Primary Hypertension - with this prescription my doctor was treating the Symptom and not the Cause -

realizing the Cause was not being treated - I was hopeful this medication would Control the Symptom -

In fact, the medication along with my personal Hypertension Control Cure program did bring my pressure under control.

However, I became more concerned about the list of possible side effects from the medication - see

side effects from the medication -

to such an extent, that on March 16, 2009, I phoned and told my doctor that as of yesterday, March 15, 2009, I would no longer take prescription medication for my Condition.

A Change Was Coming

What had transpired during the period of time from May 2007, to March 15, 2009, was a maturing of my Faith in Spiritual Healing of a medical Condition even with or without a medically known Cause.

In view of the fact, that medical science could not determine the Cause - However, I became more concerned about the list of possible side effects from my medication -

to such an extent, that on March 16, 2009, I phoned and told my doctor that as of yesterday, March 15, 2009, I would no longer take prescription medication for my Condition.

What had transpired during the period of time from May 2007, to March 15, 2009, was a maturing of my Faith in Spiritual Healing of a medical Condition even with or without a medically known Cause.

In view of the fact, that medical science could not determine the Cause - I realized that my medical Condition was not in the realm of

medical or physical sciences - and the Cause of Primary Hypertension could no longer be defined as being in terrestrial or celestial geographic environment -

but reaching beyond the Human Mind to the Soul and Spirit - the Spiritual Environment within us - that is out of the range of medical and physical sciences.

In some cases, Primary Hypertension Control can be obtained within the realm of medical science - but at some risk - side effects -

Prescription For Scripture

On March 16, 2009, I exchanged my prescription for medication for prescription for Holy Scripture - Word of God - Life and Power - prescription from the Great Physician

Cause - Consequence - Control - Cure:

All the above concerning Primary Hypertension are addressed and satisfactorily accomplished only in a Spiritual Environment with the proper use of God's Word in Faith - then all things are possible for those who believe.

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